Training for teaching process of STEM

Lublin, Poland

03.10.2023. – 04.10.2023.

Organizer: Lublin University of Technology.
Participants: University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, University of Zilina, Universum College, Obuda University.
Training report and output: LINK.


What are the goals?

V4 institutions will present the application of STEM in teaching and prepare two-days training for staff of WB HEIs on their experience in the application of STEM in teaching. The training will also include a visit to the host laboratory where WB HEIs staff will learn about the application of STEM in practical teaching..



09:00-09:30Participants registration
09:30-09:45Welcome and introduction
Michal Charlak, Lublin University of Technology
Dr. Vladimir Maksimovic, University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
09:45-11:00Partner presentations
Stefan Pitulic, University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
Uran Rraci, Universum College
Michal Charlak, Lublin University of Technology
Viktor Gonda, Obuda University
Radovan Madleňák, University of Zilina
11:00-11:30Project activities and timeline: Preparation of the DIGSTEM webinar
and DIGSTEM publication

Jelena Todorovic, University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
11:30-12:00Project management issues – administration and budget
Dr. Vladimir Maksimovic, University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica
12:00-12:45Application of Wolfram Demonstration Project Platform in teaching
Izolda Gorgol, Lublin University of Technology
13:00-15:30Inauguration of the academic year of the Faculty of Mathematics and Technical
Computer Science
(the newest Faculty at LUT)
15:30-16:15 Challenges and Opportunities of Online Learning and Teaching at
Engineering at Obuda University
András Horváth, Obuda University
16:15-17:00Online learning environment at University of Zilina
Radovan Madleňák, University of Zilina
17:00-17:30General discussion and conclusions of the Day 1



09:00-09:30Participants registration
09:30-10:15 Possibilities of using Digital Transformation in the STEM Teaching Process
Michał Charlak, Lublin University of Technology
10:15-11:00Digital communication tools for evaluation
Agnieszka Gandzel, Lublin University of Technology
11:00-11:45Application of the Collaborative Workshop Module in Moodle for
Elearning of Forming Technologies Course
Viktor Gonda, Obuda University
12:00-12:45Office365 for students of  Lublin University of Technology
Ewa Łazuka, Lublin University of Technology
12:45-13:30Creation an Online Facilitate and Engaging Workshop Practice for
Béla Mészáros, Obuda University
13:30-14:15HMI-LAB and its usage for support of student
Radovan Madleňák, University of Zilina
14:15-15:00The use of e-learning tools in the teaching of technical subjects at the University of
Žilina (practical presentation)
Jiří Tengler, University of Zilina
15:15-16:00Study visit to LUT laboratory
Ewa Łazuka, Lublin University of Technology
16:00-17:00Study visit to LUT laboratory
Michał Charlak, Lublin University of Technology
17:00-17:30General discussion and conclusions of the Day 2

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